Sunday, September 25, 2011

Slavery and Servitude

This is a post I wrote while at Ihop East Bay. (International house of prayer, not pancakes.) Hope you enjoy it.

If you really think about it, we're all slaves or servants. I would consider myself a servant to God. And yet, I still say I'm free. A lot of people would think slavery and servitude are the same thing. But the biggest thing is in the choice. God set me free and showed me love. Because of that love, because He set me free, I chose to serve Him. I chose to give myself to Him, and He freed me from the bonds of slavery to sin. And now I have a burning desire to serve Him more and more. To give Him everything I have, everything I am. To make myself His. Sure I'll still mess up sometimes, because I am no where close to perfect and still sin. We all do, every day. But I'm not bound by it anymore. It's not who I am, it's who I was. And the closer I get to God, the less I even want to. I'm a servant, not a slave. There is a difference. And I would much rather serve someone as holy and wonderful as Jesus than be a slave to all the garbage and sin in this world. And as a servant I am free. Sin blinds and breaks us. Jesus takes off our shackles, picks us up off the ground, dusts us off and cares for our wounds. He treats us fairly and will never hurt us for something we do, though we may hurt ourselves at times. But what do you think the better choice is? God as our master and guide, or our own broken hearts and messed up minds?

1 comment:

  1. I really, really, reaaaally wish there was and IHOP (Prayer, not pancakes) near me... I've heard so many awesome things about it.

    Awesome post... I saw a quote today on Twitter by the Christian rapper Lecrae that this reminded me of...

    "Sex, drugs, money, power, etc. Just because you get to choose your master doesn't mean you aren't a slave. .. Eventually that master is going to kill you or you'll chase it into Hell. But Jesus died to set you free bro. Trust him."
