Monday, August 22, 2011

Loves and Likes us.

As some of you may or may not have known, I spent two weeks going to a youth intensive/internship called Captivated at Ihop (international house of prayer) east bay. The first day was amazing. Jim, the guy that did the teachings, was talking about how God not only loves us, but he LIKES us. I know you're probably thinking "wait, wouldn't he have to like us to love us?" The answer.. Not necessarily. You see, you can love someone, but not really like them. You could be angry at them, or annoyed. But God doesn't get that way with us. He not only loves us, He likes us. What's that mean? He'll fight for us. He will guide us. No matter what we do He will always be there. He's not going to just leave us and say "oops, sorry, I don't want to deal with you right now." He is there for us. Lately I've been going through some really hard times. Things just seem to be getting worse and worse. And yet through all of this time I have gotten closer to God than I've ever been. He was there when everything was falling apart. He was trying to get me to see that I could go to him. That He liked and loved me and wouldn't give up on my. You can love someone and not really like them. But that will never be true of God.

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